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Senin, 05 Mei 2008


Ini ada info untuk sahabat, patner, rekan-rekan, adik-adik pelajar, mahasiswa, semua yang berdomisili di kota Pontianak, khususnya yang Pontianak Kota ...Yang ingin belajar internet agar ngak GAPTEK, Sekarang udah zaman nya IT (Tecnology).... "Sriwijaya"
Game Online, Catting, masih banyak lagi yang bisa kita manfaatkan di Dunia Maya ini.

Pasilitas : Ruangan AC, USB, Webcam, Monitor Flat 17", UPS, Printer,
Desain Ruangan Sofa & Lesehan, Full Musik, Cafe, 24 jam,
Processor 3.0 Ghz, VGA card 512 mb, Rp3.000/jam,
yang ingin jadi Member diskon loh....

Tersedia juga Line bagi yang ada Note Book (Laptop) 1 jam/pertama Rp.2.000/jam, jam berikutnya Rp.1.500/jam.

Bagi yang ingin bermain Forek kami juga udah Instalkan Softwarenya....

Ada juga Program - program "PAK EKO" paket ekonomis malam(Mulai jam 23.00 s/d 07.00 cukup Rp.10.000,-)

"Jl. H. Rais A. Rahman Sei Jawi Dalam, Dekat Supermarket Mitra Mart, Rs.Antonius.

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Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

Kewirausahaan Bisnis pembuatan Stiker

Perencanaan Usaha

Berdasarkan hasil keseluruhan pengamatan kami, terincilah permodalan awal sebagai berikut

- Modal awal yaitu 2 juta per orang

- Sewa tempat 6 juta per tahun

- Modal peralatan dan bahan sekitar 8 juta per tahun

- Komputer dan printer milik sendiri

- Modal produksi 4 juta per bulan

- Target produksi sticker kecil sekitar 1000 sticker per bulan

besar sekitar 150 sticker per bulan

- Harga jual sticker kecil @ Rp 5.000,- X 1.000 = Rp 5.000.000,-

besar @ Rp 15.000,- X 150 = Rp 2.250.000,- +

Rp 7.250.000,-

Mencari keuntungan

Total penjualan – modal awal

Rp 7.250.000,00 – Rp 4.000.000,00 = Rp 3.250.000,00

Jadi keuntungan per tahunnya adalah

Rp 3.250.000,00 X 12 bulan = Rp 39.000.000,00 per tahun

Sisa modal Rp 4.000.000,00

Keuntungan per tahun Rp 39.000.000,00 +

Rp 43.000.000,00

Keuntungan bersihnya adalah keuntungan per tahun – modal awal

Rp 43.000.000,00 – Rp 14.000.000,00 = Rp 29.000.000,00

Jadi keuntungannya kira-kira sebesar Rp 29.000.000,00 per tahun

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Aplikasi Mobile

world of free Java, Symbian,
Windows Mobile, BlackBerry,
Palm and Flash Lite mobile games
and applications

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Cara Memengal " ReadMore" Tulisan Posting Blog

Cara buat "Readmore" pada Blogger

Mungkin rekan blogger yang baru mulai membuat blog masih bingung apa itu readmore? Readmore adalah pemenggalan kalimat pada posting suatu halaman, Pemenggalan halaman posting biasanya ditandai dengan "Read More", "Next", "Baca Selanjutnya", "Baca berikutnya", "Selengkapnya" atau apalah namanya :). Readmore biasanya digunakan untuk menandai bahwa kalimat pada posting masih mempunyai kelanjutan, dan juga berguna mempersingkat halaman posting yang panjang. Pengen tau cara buatnya?

Contoh ReadMore :

Pernah menemukan pesan seperti diatas?...jika pernah jangan panik, ini hanya pesan pemberitahuan dari blogger kalau layanan sedang melakukan perbaikan maintenance pada server. pesan ini hanya berlangsung kurang lebih beberapa menit setelah itu akan normal kembali. Semoga informasi ini membantu :)Readmore.. »

Untuk membuat readmore ikuti langkah dibawah ini :

Langkah Pertama:

Buka Template - Edit HTML - Berikan tanda centang pada "Expand widget template"

Langkah Kedua:

Jangan Lupa backup blogger dengan mengklik "dowlnoad template lengkap"

Langkah Ketiga:

Cari kode dibawah ini:

><>div class='post-header-line-1'/< ><\div.class='post-body'<>

Tips : Untuk mempermudah pencarian kode diatas sebaiknya ikuti tips berikut ini. pertama kamu buka program text editor misalnya notepad.exe ( Pada MS Windows tekan menu Start -> Proggram -> Accessories -> Notepad) kemudian kopy/paste kode HTML tadi ke notepad. kemudian pada notepad pilih Menu Edit -> Find. pada box find masukan kode ini kemudian klik tombol Find next. (jika masih gak ketemu terpaksa kita melakukan pencarian secara manual)

Jika sudah menemukan kode diatas, Copy-Paste kode dibawah ini kemudian letakan kode tersebut dibawah kode diatas.

>< cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'b:if><

Kemudian dibawah kode diatas kita akan menemukan kode:


Lakukan Copy-Paste kode dibawah ini dibawah code diatas

<\a expr:/href\='/data:post.url'<>Readmore <»»<>/a<>

Tips: Kode Readmore diatas bisa ganti dengan kalimat sendiri (contoh "Baca Selanjutnya", "Baca berikutnya", "Selengkapnya")

Kode selengkapnya jika dilihat akan tampak sebagai berikut:

<\div class\='post-\header-\line-1'/\>
<\div class\='post-\body'\>\
<\b:if cond\='data\:blog.\pageType\ ==\"item\"'>\
<\p\>\<\data:\post.\body\/>\<\/p\>\\<\a\expr:\href\='\data:\post.\url'\>\Readmore \»»<\/a\>\

Jika kita mengedit langsung pada halaman blogger Edit HTML dan semua kode diatas sudah dilakukan perubahan, jangan lupa disimpan ya .....

Ini jika kita menggunakan Text Editor Notepad : Setelah melakukan pengeditan kode pada notepad, lalu hapus semua kode yang ada pada halaman edit blogger, kemudian masukan seluruh kode pada notepad tadi dengan cara copy/paste) Sampai disini pengeditan kode selesai, jangan lupa disimpan.

Langkah Empat

Setelah kode diatas disimpan kita kembali dan masuk ke tab Pengaturan -> Format -> cari "Post Template" Kemudian pada kotak masukan kode dibawah ini


Jangan lupa disimpan

Langkah Kelima :

Disini saya akan menjelaskan cara penggunaan readmore pada halaman posting. Ketika kita melakukan posting pertama kali kita akan melihat kode:


ingat jangan hapus kode diatas karena kode tersebut merupakan kode yang akan kita gunakan dalam pemenggalan posting nantinya.

Sebagai contoh lihat cuplikan kalimat dibawah:

Kebanyakan Posting pada blog kita tulisannya terlalu panjang, Maka bagi orang yang ingin melihat blog jadi jenuh, terlalu penuhnya tulisan di halaman posting kita. (Rencana text yang akan dipenggal) Maka dri itu tulisan post kita di persingkat/ dipenggal agar tidak terlalu penuh di halaman depan blog. Tips ini semoga bermanfaat untuk blogger - blogger. Semoga sukses...By

Bagaimana cara pemenggalan kode diatas? caranya tinggal kamu lihat 2 kode pemenggalan kalimat dibawah (ingat kode hanya bekerja pada halaman editor posting)

Kebanyakan Posting pada blog kita tulisannya terlalu panjang, Maka bagi orang yang ingin melihat blog jadi jenuh, terlalu penuhnya tulisan di halaman posting kita.\(\<\div class=\"fullpost"\>\)Maka dri itu tulisan post kita di persingkat/ dipenggal agar tidak terlalu penuh di halaman depan blog. Tips ini semoga bermanfaat untuk blogger - blogger. Semoga sukses...By<\/div\>\

Jadi hasil posting pada halaman browser akan tampai sebagai berikut:

Kebanyakan Posting pada blog kita tulisannya terlalu panjang, Maka bagi orang yang ingin melihat blog jadi jenuh, terlalu penuhnya tulisan di halaman posting kita. Readmore »»

Selamat mencoba ...Semoga Sukses U/ blogger mania........

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Windows Xp – Getting the Correct Time

All computers need to know the time. Many applications, from sending an email to storing information are reliant on the PC knowing when the event took place. In some environments timing is even more crucial where a single second can make all the difference between profit and loss – just think of the stock exchange.

Most computers have internal clocks which are battery backed, so the computer can still keep time when the machine is off. However, are these clocks really that reliable? The answer of course is no.

Computers are mass marketed and designed for multi functions, timing not being that high on the manufacturer’s agenda. The internal clocks (called RTC real time chips) are normally adequate for home computing or when workstations run alone. However, when computers run in a network, then a lack of synchronisation can cause problems.

It may be a minor thing such as an email arriving somewhere before it was sent (according to a PC clock) but with some time sensitive transactions and applications, a lack of synchronisation can cause imaginable problems: Imagine turning up at an airport only to find the airline seat you had bought weeks before was in fact sold to somebody else afterwards as their booking agent had a slower clock on their computer!

To get around these problems most computers on a network are synchronised to a single time source using NTP (network time protocol) this time source can be either relative (a computer’s clock or wrist watch) or an absolute time source like UTC.

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) was developed after the emergence of\">atomic clocks and is a standard time scale used globally, allowing machines all over the world to use a single time source.

Windows XP can easily set the system clock to use UTC by accessing an Internet source for UTC (either: or To achieve this, a user merely has to double click the clock on their desktop and adjust the settings in the Internet Time tab.

However, Microsoft and other operating system manufacturers strongly advise that external timing references should be used as Internet sources can’t be authenticated, making systems vulnerable to a malicious attack.

If you wish to run a network time server Windows XP, then specialist NTP servers are available that can receive a time reference via the GPS satellite system or specialist national transmissions

To allow Windows XP to operate as a network time server, the NTP service needs to be switched on. To activate NTP simply find the following subkey in the registry editor (regedit):
Right click enabled (in the right-hand window) then Modify. Edit the DWORD Value and type 1. Right-click NtpServer, then Modify and in the Edit DWORD Value under Value Data type Peers, then click OK.

Exit the registry and start windows time service by clicking Start/Run and typing:
net stop w32time && net start w32time.; Then on each computer on the network (other than the domain controller which can’t be synchronised with itself) type: W32tm/resync/rediscover.

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Sabtu, 03 Mei 2008

Automotive Accessories

Automotive Accessories Part 1
Moose Pak LLC.

The automobile has come along way since it was first introduced. The automobile is now so much more than just something that gets you from point A to B. It has become more than a luxury necessity; it has become an extension of who you are. From the color of the vehicle, the wheels it sits on, to how many cup holders it has, it reflects the personality of its owner. In meeting with this demand of personalizing vehicles manufacturers have worked hard in succeeding this goal by offering a selection of accessories suited to car owners of all budgets and expressions.
Automotive accessories are all about transforming your vehicle into something that stands out, shows personality, functionality, and who you are. What is so great about accessorizing your automobile is that you can make it so unique. You can go after so many different looks, and performance options it is endless. Most people start to customize without even knowing that they are. You add an antenna topper, tint your windows, add a bug guard, and personalize a license plate, that’s all customizing.
Aftermarket automotive accessories are just not for the outside of the vehicle. You can upgrade your interior as well with items like your pedals, steering wheel, stereo, dash board, knobs, and seats to name but a few. Don’t forget your performance accessories as well, such as air intakes, pulleys, exhaust, and headers. Then you have your comfort accessories, extra cup holders, heated seats, GPS systems, etc... Upgrading and personalizing your vehicle is easily achieved with automotive accessories and doesn’t need to cost a fortune. Although, before you buy any accessory, you must first make sure that the product is made from top quality materials and by a reliable manufacturer. By purchasing accessories through trusted retailers you are ensuring yourself that you are going to get parts that will fit nicely with your vehicle and compliment the desired look that you are trying to accomplish.
It doesn’t matter if your automobile is in new or used condition, automotive accessories are necessary to continually improve, maintain, and distinguish the look of your vehicle. Vehicle accessories are part of auto customization that can prove to be an easy start to the world of personalizing your vehicle. Many accessories are low enough in cost that they are not out of reach of the average vehicle enthusiast.

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